1. General Principles

“Customer” is the person who sign this rental agreement by signing the printed agreement or making a reservation through the company website at www.connectpls.com and who is entitled to use the tablets, accessories, and/or any other devices provided to him / her. “Connected Destinations Limited” ” rents devices and accessories to Customer and will henceforth be referred to as “the Company” or “ConnectPls”. “Device(s)” is (are) the tablet(s) or internet access devices renting to you for the agreed duration of the rental agreement and will include all parts and accessories fitted to it at the commencement of the rental.

The terms & conditions of the Rental Agreement (“Rental Agreement”) related to the Device rented to the Customer for the agreed duration of this Rental Agreement and will include all parts and accessories given to the Customer at the commencement of the rental. ConnectPls is the owner of the Device and shall remain to be the owner of the Device.

The Customer understands and agrees that the Services are provided to him/her exclusively under these Terms.

By proceeding with booking and using the Services, the Customer acknowledges that s/he has read and understands the Terms and that s/he agrees to be bound by them. Company reserves the right to terminate the Customer’s use or access to the Services at any time for any reason, including, without limitation, if the Company learns that the Customer has provided false or misleading information or have violated the Terms.

2. Rental of Device

Customer must be of legal age (18 years), possess a valid ID document (passport).

Customer must possess a valid credit card that has a credit limit equal to or greater than Device price on the date of the contract and the country where it is signed.

3. Rates

The total rent will vary according to the listed prices at the time of rental as printed on the rental agreement or the company website at www.connectpls.com (“ConnectPls Website”) at the time of the reservation. Minimum rental period is 1 day, and the amount for 1 day shall be charged for any rentals shorter than 1 day. The currency exchange rate at the date of the payment shall apply according to the rates used by the Company.

4. Terms of Payment

Payment will be made via a credit card. The payment for the rental period in full is initially done at the time of reservation through the ConnectPls Website. If there are additional charges incurred during the rental period, the remaining balance to be paid is charged during the return of the Device or at the time of expiry of stay by the Company utilizing the customer credit card provided by the Customer. The rates for the rental and additional services are those that are effective on the date of signing the Rental Agreement.
For tablet rentals, the Company collects a deposit (“Deposit”) as insurance against the non-return of the Pad(s), damages, theft, or any other extra charges you may incur during the rental of the Pad(s). The value of the Deposit is independent of the number of rental days in the contract awarded. If after the reservation is made by the Customer, the Company shall inform the Customer if a Deposit is required via e-mail, including the directions. Before rental is possible, either a hold shall be placed on the credit card presented by the Customer for the Deposit amount, or the Company must receive the deposit in full.
In case of cancellation, if a Mobile Router subscription is canceled within the first three months, a £25 fee will be charged to cover the cost of shipping and returning the Mobile Router. Similarly, if a SIM card subscription is canceled within the first three months, a £15 fee will be charged to cover the cost of SIM card shipping. These cancellation fees apply regardless of the rental period and will be deducted from the payment method provided by the Customer at the time of reservation.

5. Terms of Use

a. Device cannot be used by any user other than the Customer or her / his close family members. When using the Device by minors, it is advisable to have adult supervision since the costs incurred by such use if any damage occurs will be the responsibility of the Customer who signed the Rental Agreement. If used in another country, the customer is responsible for paying the charges for the Device, including roaming charges and other costs associated.

b. Device cannot be sub-leased.

c. The Customer cannot perform illegal activities or cause damage to equipment, loss of software or breach of security of any computer software or mark as well as utilizing the Device for illicit purposes.

d. Any use of the Device that may harm the good name of the Company [or, the brand of the Device], gives the Company the right to automatically terminate the rental agreement with immediate effect and claim for compensation of direct losses and damages incurred on the Company.

In particular, the Customer may not use the Device under any of the following conditions or for any of the following purposes:

• Close to inflammable or dangerous goods, as well as toxic, corrosive, radioactive or other harmful substances,

• Carrying anything which, because of its smell or condition, harms the Device or causes Company to lose time or money before it can rent the Device again,

• Connect any accessory (subject to prior authorization by the Company ), unless supplied by the Company

• To conduct illegal activities or cause damage to equipment, personnel, loss of software or violate the safety of any software or brand.

• For intentionally committing any offence.

The Customer will be liable for any offence committed during the rental period which relates in any way to his/her use of the Device, as if the Customer were the owner of the Device. Upon the request of the Police or any official or administrative body the Company may have to transfer the Customer’s personal data. Such transfer will be done in accordance with the data protection regulations of the country of rental.

6. Customer’s Obligations

a) At the time of signing this Rental Agreement, the Customer should check the status of the Device and accessories by completing the section “Delivery status of Device.

b) The Customer must return the Device in the same state it was delivered on the date of signing the Rental Agreement, otherwise the Customer is responsible for any repair costs resulting from damage presented.

c) The Device will be delivered to the Customer preloaded with software, the Customer must return the Device with the same software. Any other software or costs are not included in the Delivery Deed and are the sole responsibility of the Customer.

d) The Customer is responsible for taking care of the Device, keep it in good condition and reimburse Company for any damages arising from its use.

e) The Customer must return the Device to the place of delivery or use the return packaging included with the Device and give the return package including the Device to a representative of the hotel or the shipment company.

f) Company accepts a maximum delay of 30 minutes, after which additional charges may apply for late delivery according to the rates in the Rental Agreement.

7. The Rental Period

a) The rental duration is calculated based on indivisible periods of 24 hours, beginning at 10:00 am on the day of the arrival date provided by the customer if the device is being shipped to the customer or at the time that the Device is delivered to the possession of the Customer upon signing the Delivery Deed provided to the Customer by a representative of the Company at the time of the delivery of the Device.

b) The delivery of the Device to the Customer shall be at the location agreed by the Customer and the Company.

c) Should the Customer wish to keep the device for a period longer than that originally set out in the rental agreement, the Customer must first contact the Company in order to extend the duration of the rental agreement and if the period of rental is longer than the initial reserved period, than additional charges shall be calculated based on the additional days of rental.

8. Delivery and Return

The return of the Device must be made to an authorized representative of the Company or ship the Device to the company using the return packaging included with the Device and give the return package including the Device to a representative of the hotel or the shipment company. If the Device is returned without its accessories, the customer must pay the market value of the same date of the return of the Device.

9. Theft, Accident, Damage or Confiscation

In case of third parties actions, such as confiscation or theft of the Device, the Customer must immediately inform Company through the contact information of the Company.

Company will use all legitimate means to secure their rights. Customer will be responsible for all expenses associated with the acts described above and for any direct, indirect or consequential damages (such as loss) for the Device, unless it is demonstrated that Company is directly responsible for the confiscation of the Device. The rental period will be completed automatically as soon as the Company is informed in writing of the seizure by the competent authorities or by the customer. In the case of theft of the Device, the Rental Agreement will end once the Company receives a copy of the theft declaration made by the customer to the police.

The Company reserves the right to pursue charging the payment to the Customer’s account at the Company, charge the credit card that the deposit provision was placed or utilize the cash that was given as deposit payment in case the payments that may be requested pursuant to this clause is not paid at once by the Customer upon request of the Company.

10. Technical Services and Maintenance

If during the rental period the Device is exposed to a problem or accident, the Customer must inform the Company. In these cases, Company has the option to choose between replacing the Device or cancel the lease. Company will not pay any maintenance costs or purchase of accessories associated with the Device during the rental period. The only entity authorized to perform this type of maintenance is the Company. Repair costs incurred by the customer will not be refunded, if any.

11. Insurance

Company is uninsured against physical harm and property that the Customer may infringe a third party, resulting from an incident involving the Device. The Customer is 100% responsible for the costs it may incur due to these reasons, as well as any damage inflicted.

12. Liability

The Customer is liable for any financial losses that Company could suffer as a result of breach of any of the terms of the contract, and for any claims made by third parties. Customer agrees to pay damages that the Company suffers to enforce the terms of the contract, exempting Company from any liability. Under no circumstances the Company, or any of its officers, representatives or employees or ConnectPls shall be liable for any losses, claims or legal actions related to direct, indirect or consequential losses in connection with the use and rental of the Device.

13. Fair Internet Usage

The daily unlimited internet may be limited to the fair usage policy applied by the Mobile Operator Company  for data access (upload and download), and may start from the time of ordering or confirmation provided. Customer understands that the data access is provided by the Mobile Operator, and ConnectPls does not control the speed of the data access provided.

14. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

This Rental Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the Laws of England. London Courts and Execution Offices shall be authorized to solve any disputes arising from this Rental Agreement.

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